Monday, May 20, 2013

So much to post about! Part 1

Wednesday May 15

 Show in 3 days.  Insert me thinking "...jumping is outside.  He was ridden outside here once back in November, and I wasn't riding him then.  Should probably do something about that."

I got to the barn in a hurry so I'd have time to ride before dark.  Tacked up and got on in the indoor.  Rode him around for a few minutes just to make sure he wasn't going to be goofy.  He was fine, naturally.  Then we went to the outdoor.. it was being dragged when we went out, which was good because it gave him a few minutes to stand there and check everything out.  Don't know if he cared, but it made me feel better.  This is a recurring theme with us.  I worry he'll act up, I do something to counteract it, I feel better because I think I'm actually accomplishing something, and we're both happy.

Anyway.  He was wonderful outside.  Horses were being brought in from turnout, so I was a little concerned he might act up, but nope.  He was a bit distracted, but that's to be expected.  He hasn't mastered the art of focusing on me yet.  And who can blame him?  I'd ignore me, too.  He didn't put a foot wrong, although I was very careful to ride "tight"*.  I also set up a cavaletti, which he was a good boy about.  We walked and trotted quite a bit both ways before calling it a night.

*I'm not sure what the best word for this is--when I'm concerned about my horse potentially acting up, I make sure to really get my heels down, keep my leg on, sit deep, and keep my body up.  I call it riding tight, as in "tightly connected to the horse so I stay on".

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