Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Suzanne Warmack of Bel Canto Farms in Texas is the Best Person Ever

Yes, that's an actual street sign for a real road named River Mountain Rd.  As it turns out, there's a River Mountain Rd in Wimberley, Texas, just a few miles from Bel Canto Farms owned by Suzanne Warmack.

At the risk of sounding like a total nutcase, I emailed Suzanne, explained the road name and my horse's name, and asked if she could take a picture of the street sign for me.  She agreed and only asked for a picture of River in return.

So how cool is that??  Next mission:  get someone to steal the sign for me!  (I'm kidding, I'm kidding!  But, uh, if you're inclined to steal a road sign anyway.....)

A million great big thank yous to Suzanne!  I really can't say how happy this makes me!