Monday, July 22, 2013

May show pictures!

I got some pictures from the show we went to back in May!!!

We are just going to ignore how bad I look in all of them and focus on how adorable River is.

Shoulders.  Eek.

 At least I'm not picking my hands up too soon..

I freaking LOVE him in this one, even though it's one of the worst of me:

I'm holding on to mane for dear life.


He's so good with his knees!

My pony is so wonderful!


  1. Adorable! I love to see the greenies jump, he looks like he has such an earnest heart and he's having so much fun!!

    1. He really does! He stopped at the first two fences on course, but then the lightbulb went on and he was perfect.

  2. Is that a pink whip, too?! OMG, love River!

    1. Of course! You can't tell, but I put glitter on it too.

      Yes, I'm an adult.

  3. Great knees in the last pic for sure!!! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! River looks much better than I do, but he's the important one anyway, lol.

  5. I just came across your blog while looking for sewing ideas. Your saddle pad post came up. Thanks for the ideas! Aaaannnd. I love your River stories. I'm 27 and in school. Have two of my own OTTBs I'm dealing with. Will follow. (I'm also super excited to see you riding and jumping without a martingale.) Doin' it right. Keep up the great work.

    1. Thank you! I've used a martingale here and there, but for the most part he just doesn't need it. The Mare, on the other hand, always goes in a running, because I'd rather not have her poll in my face, lol.
